Tag Archives: school

Balancing School, Life and Other Responsiblities

Work Hard...

Work Hard…

Welcome to college! Where all you do is party, sleep, do a little homework here and there, go to a class or two. Right? WRONG!

Other than the mandatory stuff like going to classes ON TIME and handing in assignments ON TIME, getting at least 7-8hrs of sleep every night and eating ON TIME. You may be like me, and are a member of a choir or some type of leadership team and have other responsibilities. I’ve been asked many times, ‘How do you do it?’ And every time I’m asked I shake my head and laugh.

So I’m finally going to answer; I came up with 6 tips to balancing school, life and other responsibilities:

    1. Numero uno! Prayer and Personal Devotion: Sounds cliche but it’s definitely true. Without prayer and one on one time with God. We’d probably be walking zombies(void unrested miserable beings)! Praying helps you get stuff off of your chest and spending time with God reminds you that He’s always there. Plus, when you pray, this thing happens… And your prayers are answered. (Wink)
    2. Numero Dos! Prioritize. You are in school so obviously your eduction comes first. But what happens when you are asked to do something urgently? The reality is, things pop up. What I’ve had to do many times is sit and make a list of everything I need to do and when I need to get them done by.
    3. Numero Tres! Proper Time Management! The reason why we get in 99.9% of our overwhelming situations is because we don’t practice good time management. My roommate takes the time out every week to make plans for the following weeks ahead. Do it! Plan your times to wake up, eat, do assignments, study, read and even when to sleep. Make sure they’re realistic though. Don’t get too carried away.
    4. Numero Cuatro! Take the time out to RELAX. Yup I said it, and FYI your parents will approve and your body will thank you. Overworking yourself and not taking the time to relax will only cause you to be worn out.
    5. Numero Cinco! Live Healthy.  Eat right, drink lots of water and exercise! My mummsy always said, “your brain can’t function without food and on a little bit of sleep.”
    6. Numero Seis! Designate Responsibilities. You can’t do it all! If you’re a part of a group or team remember- ‘Team work makes the dream work!” Not only will it help with your workload it will give others the opportunity to help.
...Work Even Harder...

…Work Even Harder…

Well there you have it folks, six easy tips on balancing school, life and other responsibilities! If you have any more to add comment below.